The 10 Weirdest Things About Germany (From an American Expat’s Perspective)

#5 — Men pee sitting down (sometimes)

Sarah Stroh
7 min readDec 16, 2020
Photo of author by @FelixWiede

I’ve been living in Germany for the past year and a half, and now it’s time to share with you the juicy stuff I’ve learned so far about this country.

The stuff you wouldn’t know just by visiting. The stuff that’s either annoying, interesting, or a little bit of both.

Stuff you wouldn’t think twice about if you’re actually from here. But as a foreigner, you notice, and is actually quite telling of the German people.

The magic of any culture can be found in its small details.

1. Two hole punch

In a lot of ways, the two-hole punch in Germany versus the three-hole punch in the US represents the difference between the two nations. In the U.S. we are all about excess. We want more more more, even when we don’t need anymore.

Whereas Germans are more restrained.

Two hole punch. Photo provided by author

They like to use only what they need. That whole German efficiency stereotype you may have heard about it. Well, it’s true.



Sarah Stroh

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